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June 2019
Let’s Do it Again…Go fund me
Zusammen können wir helfen bzw. beitragen, dass ein Menschenleben geretet wird. Bitte um Unterstützung durch Spende Go Fund Ifechukwu to help with treatment of nephroblastomaOctober 2018
Mombasa Cancer Care Center
Mombasa Cancer Care Center (MCCC) program. We are partnering with the Cancer Research & Communications Organization (CRCO) in Kenya to help set up the Mombasa Cancer Care Center (MCCC) program. The goal is to provide a comprehensive approach to cancer management to the community at large and offer accessible, affordable and free comprehensive cancer Care to all regardless of their status. Cancer continues to be an increasing concern worldwide and especially in the developing countries where the mortality rate seems...Grid
Let’s Do it Again…Go fund me
Zusammen können wir helfen bzw. beitragen, dass ein Menschenleben geretet wird. Bitte um Unterstützung durch Spende Go Fund Ifechukwu to help with treatment of nephroblastomaMombasa Cancer Care Center
Mombasa Cancer Care Center (MCCC) program. We are partnering with the Cancer Research & Communications Organization (CRCO) in Kenya to help set up the Mombasa Cancer Care Center (MCCC) program. The goal is to provide a comprehensive approach to cancer management to the community at large and offer accessible, affordable and free comprehensive cancer Care to all regardless of their status. Cancer continues to be an increasing concern worldwide and especially in the developing countries where the mortality rate seems...2016 Global Health Catalyst Cancer Summit
2016 Global Health Catalyst Cancer Summit Harvard Medical School April 2016 An welche Krankheiten denken Sie, wenn Sie an die meisten Länder Afrikas denken? Welches, denken Sie, sind dort die bedrohlichsten Erkrankungen der Zukunft? Hatten Sie Krebs auf Ihrer Liste? Das sollten Sie, denn Krebserkrankungen sind eine Bedrohung nicht nur in den westlichen Ländern, sie sind auch auf dem Vormarsch in Entwicklungsländern. Heute ist Krebs in Entwicklungsländern einer der häufigsten Todesursachen und es sterben dort mehr Menschen an Krebs als an AIDS, Tuberkulose oder...Medium
Let’s Do it Again…Go fund me
Zusammen können wir helfen bzw. beitragen, dass ein Menschenleben geretet wird. Bitte um Unterstützung durch Spende Go Fund Ifechukwu to help with treatment of nephroblastomaMombasa Cancer Care Center
Mombasa Cancer Care Center (MCCC) program. We are partnering with the Cancer Research & Communications Organization (CRCO) in Kenya to help set up the Mombasa Cancer Care Center (MCCC) program. The goal is to provide a comprehensive approach to cancer management to the community at large and offer accessible, affordable and free comprehensive cancer Care to all regardless of their status. Cancer continues to be an increasing concern worldwide and especially in the developing countries where the mortality rate seems...Large
Let’s Do it Again…Go fund me
Zusammen können wir helfen bzw. beitragen, dass ein Menschenleben geretet wird. Bitte um Unterstützung durch Spende Go Fund Ifechukwu to help with treatment of nephroblastoma
Mombasa Cancer Care Center
Mombasa Cancer Care Center (MCCC) program. We are partnering with the Cancer Research & Communications Organization (CRCO) in Kenya to help set up the Mombasa Cancer Care Center (MCCC) program. The goal is to provide a comprehensive approach to cancer management to the community at large and offer accessible, affordable and free comprehensive cancer Care to all regardless of their status. Cancer continues to be an increasing concern worldwide and especially in the developing countries where the mortality rate seems...Large Alt
Let’s Do it Again…Go fund me
Zusammen können wir helfen bzw. beitragen, dass ein Menschenleben geretet wird. Bitte um Unterstützung durch Spende Go Fund Ifechukwu to help with treatment of nephroblastoma
Mombasa Cancer Care Center
Mombasa Cancer Care Center (MCCC) program. We are partnering with the Cancer Research & Communications Organization (CRCO) in Kenya to help set up the Mombasa Cancer Care Center (MCCC) program. The goal is to provide a comprehensive approach to cancer management to the community at large and offer accessible, affordable and free comprehensive cancer Care to all regardless of their status. Cancer continues to be an increasing concern worldwide and especially in the developing countries where the mortality rate seems...Full
Let’s Do it Again…Go fund me
Zusammen können wir helfen bzw. beitragen, dass ein Menschenleben geretet wird. Bitte um Unterstützung durch Spende Go Fund Ifechukwu to help with treatment of nephroblastoma