Please review the list of ongoing projects that we are currently engaged in, and consider actively participating by selecting one of the options listed on our volunteer registration form (
As a volunteer, your support would greatly assist in addressing the brain drain issue in Africa. We encourage medical physicists and other health professionals living abroad to reconnect with the current situation in their home countries and explore ways to support projects (such as research, clinical services, training, mentoring, etc.) that aim to improve the healthcare sector in their country of origin.

Medical Equipment Donations
In this initiative, we are arranging for the donation of a variety of medical equipment to the Immaculate Heart Hospital and Maternity in Umudioka, Nigeria. The 35-bed hospital will greatly benefit from this donation, particularly in the gynecology, maternity, and emergency departments. Through Engagement Global gGmbH, we were able to secure partial funds from the german federal ministry of economic cooperation and development and are now actively seeking skilled partners, mentors, and facilitators to assist us in making this project a reality.
Mbingo Baptist Hospital
The Mbingo Baptist Hospital, a 310-bed clinic located in the mountainous Northwest Region of Cameroon, is working on developing its radiotherapy department as a major ongoing collaboration project with support from the diaspora. In 2022, the hydroelectric plant was completed and the radiotherapy bunker is currently under construction. Thanks to a generous donation, a linac from Glasgow was successfully shipped to Cameroon and the hospital has started training Medical Physicists and Radiooncologists. We kindly request your support in funding the construction work at this site through
Spares Platform
The spare parts platform is now fully functional and ready for use. It will assist donors of spare parts and equipment to connect and coordinate their donations through our organization. To list items on the platform, visit
Personnel Dosimetry Program
We plan to establish a comprehensive personnel dosimetry program at Mbingo Hospital, as there is currently no reputable program in place in Cameroon. This program will monitor, record, evaluate, and report on the radiation doses received by healthcare personnel who are occupationally exposed. The primary objective is to ensure compliance with established dose limits. Additionally, by offering these services to other small clinics in the region, the program can be sustained in the long-term.
Solar Powered Radiation Oncology Center
Solar powered Radiation Oncology Center. Power outages and interruptions are known to be a serious problem for most African countries and are attributed to several factors. We want to partner with well-known solar companies here in Germany to encourage hospitals, health care policy makers in the countries we are currently involved to exploit the solar technology. In August 2011, Lake Constance Radiation Oncology Centre was the first Radiation Oncology Center in Germany to be powered by solar technology. Another example of a solar powered hospital is the University Hospital of Mirebalais. …