Tag - Radiation

Trip Summary of Dr. Rebecca B

Trip summary of Dr. Rebecca B. To Cameroon towards advancement of the Mbingo Baptist Hospital Comprehensive Cancer Care project. At the Mbingo Baptist Hospital Cameroon the majority of patients present with the usual tropical diseases but there is an increasing number of patients diagnosed with cancer and mostly at advanced stages, whereby surgery is no more an option but conservative therapies. At this hospital there is then the possibilty of obtaining chemotherapy as a conservative (unfortunately in most cases palliative) therapy....

Solar Powered Radiation Oncology Center

Solar powered Radiation Oncology Center. Power outages and interruptions are known to be a serious problem for most African countries and are attributed to several factors. We want to partner with well-known solar companies here in Germany to encourage hospitals, health care policy makers in the countries we are currently involved to exploit the solar technology. In August 2011, Lake Constance Radiation Oncology Centre was the first Radiation Oncology Center in Germany to be powered by solar technology. Another example...